Wednesday, November 11, 2009

See What Silver Sol Technology Can Do For You!

Did you know that early in the last century some milk farmers would use a
silver pail to collect milk because it retarded spoiling?

Did you know that early in the last century doctors routinely puts drops of
silver nitrate in a newborns eyes to prevent blindness in case the mother
had a venereal disease?

Did you know that during the European plagues, centuries ago, the wealthy
ate with silver spoons in hopes of preventing being infected?

Do you see a pattern of keen observation spanning centuries that silver
might somehow disable or retard harmful pathogens?

Do some people use silver against bacteria in modern times?

Read the following unsolicited report by Joan Higgins:

I had only been a member a little over a week, had just received my
products, and really had not a clue what the Silver Solution was.

I had been having some discomfort in a tooth for about a month. Went to the
dentist, was told I had an inflamed periodontal pocket. My Dentist
recommended an antibiotic injection into the pocket, but he was only 50%
sure that it would help. It would not be covered by my insurance and it
would cost $138. I decided not to have it, to wait and see if it got better
or worse on its own.

When I got home I was reading about the Silver Solution, and its bacteria
killing effectiveness, so I thought I would try it on my tooth. Not having a
syringe, I took a drink stirrer, the kind with a hole like a little straw. I
put it in the bottle, put my finger over one end and laid down and let it
drip out around my tooth.

In just a couple of hours it was better! It has not hurt once since! Now
when I take it I just swish it around my mouth before I swallow it. I was
quite impressed and am spreading the word to all who will listen. -- Joan

Do your own test and see the results for yourself. The Silver is amazing
and only a click away.
Click Here to Order

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Video Could Save Your Life!

Today, many bacterial infections are beginning to defy all antibiotics. The New Silver Sol technology is a highly effective first line of defense for you and your family"a safe and effective way to help your immune system win the fight against these foreign invaders..Please watch this video and see before and after pictures and see proven tests on the effectiveness and safety of silver sol technology.

Watch Video Here