Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reasons You Need To Use Silver Solution

There is tons of reasons you should be using Silver solution but I will list 7 of them

1) It is scientifically supported - There have been numerous research and lab reports documented on the benefits of using Silver Solution
2) It is Patented New Technology - It is more effective than the old colloidal or ionic silvers and is non-toxic
3) Inexpensive - Add up all your costs to your doctor visits, medicine, etc and you will see silver solution is a big value
4) Extremely safe - There has been test, research and long term use proving that silver is completely safe for everyone including children and the elderly
5) Quick Kill Time - Silver solution has an extremely quick kill time and it can be effective within just a few minutes. The research shows that exposing silver to most pathogens for only 3 to 6 minutes will kill them.
6) Super Flexible - Silver can be used internally and externally as well as household use.
7) Emergency Preparedness - Silver can be stored for years due to having no chemicals or additives. It has been recommended by several agencies as potential agent to fight against bioterrorism.

Silver Solution gives you and your family a fighting chance. Click Here & Try it today.

The gel is also available at

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Introducing ZIVA

Join The Nutronix Revolution and experience Health and Wealth! Nutronix has the most amazing products for your health and the best comp plan for your wealth.

When you join the Nutronix Revolution:

See the power of two - 2x15 structure - pays through 15 levels

Experience ZIVA - 100% muscadine juice - The muscadine grape is full of healthful beneficial oils, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

NuRev (Resveratrol complex) - America's #1 anti-aging supplement!

02 Berry Proformance Hydration - transforms your water into a powerful akaline drink/raises your bodies PH

Tons of other products not mentioned - Click Here to view other products

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Friday, September 11, 2009

The Power Of Two!

2x15 structure... This plan is for Everyone!

Join The Nutronix Revolution! Click Here